2024 Club event reports

We’ve got cars! 2024 Rendezvous gathering at Marina Park

Hi everyone

Congratulations to everyone on an awesome, successful Rendezvous!

Particular thank you to the family members who generously contributed as well.   Like the saying goes,  “it takes a village to raise a child” in our case, “it takes a family to make a successful club”.
Even Mother Superior ensured that the projected rain went around us.

Every aspect of the event was well received and appreciated.

The hotel also deserves a “shout  out”.  The staff was totally helpful  and welcoming.

We deserve to be very proud of Rendezvous 2024.
I know  you all received praise from our out-of-town guests.

Kudos to all!


Well, our major Club event is “in the bag” and, as I said last night at the banquet, it happened because a lot of people made certain that the preparation and execution were well done.  We should be proud of what our “little band of wrenchers” has again accomplished.  My impression from visitors over the past few days is that the event was much appreciated.

May we all get back to more restful nights this week…

Many thanks,
